Wednesday 23 September 2009

Music Video Pitch- (initial ideas) DRAFT

The music video we have decided to do is Track 7, titled Save Your Wishes, by 2 man Indie Synth Pop Rock band I Was A Cub Scout. after listening to the song and reading the lyrics, we started to piece together a few ideas to what we want to incorporate in our video. As a group we confirmed that we should have the following:

Various camera shots and zooms
a narrative
Band Exposure
various locations to shoot
advanced techniques such as embedding images, and make sure simple things such as transitions and cuts are combined with harder techniques such as adding special effects and timing our editing to perfection, in order to make our video look as professional as possible.

Here is our initial idea of what we want our music video to be.

Song starts, first scene is a girls bedroom. girl awakes as the song starts to play and she immediately moves towards a photograph. the camera follows her movement and reveals the photo she is holding is of the band. she smiles, looks over to an empty side of the bed and frowns. she gets up and turns on the tv, and walks to the bathroom. the camera pans around her walking away, to the band playing on the Tv. the camera then zooms in towards the Tv and a transition is made through the Tv to where the band are actually performing. pans and cuts between the band then follow and the singing begins. whilst singing lots of close ups of vocals and instruments are needed to highlight the band and sell them as an image. whilst the video unfolds, a narrative emerges that this girl is in love with the lead singer, but as she tries to sort herself out so she can be with him, he is always there and she is the only one unaware to this. the next time the girl is on camera she is in a town center, and walks past a tv shop, and double takes at the shop to see the band playing on all of the televisions. she scurries away and the camera holds to show the band emerge from the shop, singing to her as she flees the scene.

The key ideas of this video is that the band is always with and around the girl, subconsious to the girl but not everyone else. for example whilst she is sitting at the bottom of a hill, the band are at the top of it and people around notice but she does not. another key idea is using objects to embed a shot or a clip from our filming, for example seeing it a pint of beer. these techniques will really make our video stand out. we also need to make sure out target audience is appealed to, so the dress code will be as fashionable as possible, and we will include everyday tasks such as being at college, being in and around town and enjoying leisure's with friends. as the song progresses, the girl becomes more and more emotional over her love for the singer. she ends up going to a party, completely unaware that the badn are performing. she sees the band, and they make eye contact, but he immediately looks away. she feels hurt and abandoned and heads for the nearest shot of alcohol.

To try and put our videos into context, we looked at videos that were on the internet to try and give our video something to compare to, using simular techniques. one that we found that incorporated our idea of tv's showing the band is a rock/pop song by Bowling For Soup, entitled Girl All The Bad Guys Want.

As well as techniques, we wanted to find a video which had a similar narrative behind it. after watching many videos we found one which we thought fits a similar story. it is a similar genre of music and it is by a well known British band, The Kooks. song entitled Naive. NOTE: No embed was found for this video.

Both these songs include ideas which are simular to ours. the bowling for soup shows interaction between a girl and the band, and embedding filming through an object, being the televisions. the kooks song shows the band member as the narrative, which is the opposite to ours, but the narrative is simular. looking for someone who is lost and showing emotions with close ups and including real life scenarios i.e being in a nightclub, being with friends and partaking in pastimes.

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