Wednesday 14 October 2009

Filming Stage 1

today we gathered our equipment and set out to film our bands performance. unfortunately the cervical cancer jabs are taking place in the main hall and for privacy reasons we were unable to walk through to film. given this, we had nowere else to film. so we have decided to come back into the classroom, and plan where to film. thanks to stu we are able to use a guitar for our filming, and we have deciced our location to be the car park adjacent to the grafton. there is alot of graffiti work which would appeal to teenagers as its rebellious and reflects a stereotype given to them by society. however in the video we want to percieve it as an art rather than a crime. the high up view will give a view of buildings in the background, and will not take away focus from the band. we will film multiple shots of the song and this will give us a vast catalogue of shots to include in our final piece. heere is a screen shot of where we will be filming.

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