Monday 2 November 2009

Feedback from class with regards to rough cut

Most Said Strength- Good Lip Syncing and Editing. as well as a charasmatic performance.

Areas for improvement-add more variety of shots and small change in lip sync in a couple of lines of song.

What Could we change?-add a storyline , more locations and close ups

still to do- more shot variety, change the time of filming- add night time footage, progression through song.

as this is our rough cut we understand there are things to be done. we are however pleased with the comments we have recieved as we have already planned for our final footage to add more locations and more shots. the only thing we can tune up is the lip syncing and switch up the variety. jodi will be added to the footage and this will give us a narrative, thus resulting in more camera shots, different use of locations around cambridge and strengthen our video in a more professional manner. thanks to jodi for editing and the class for the feedback.

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