Thursday 26 November 2009

Magazine Ideas

For a Magazine advert to be successful, we need to include modern connotations of what sells an advertisement to the reader. we want to make sure the image reflects the band in a way which makes them look appealing, casual and so we have chosen the image to be one which has a direct gaze at the camera. we want to have the title of the band at the top of the page, and a well known companys review advertised on the advert, to further enhance sales. having this will be good as a 5 star rating for an album tends to sway those who are unsure to buy the product to purchase it. we want to appeal to the reader, so putting a few lines of text which give background info of the band or something which will catch the eye. we hope to follow the rule of thirds whilst making this advert so the visual hierarchy is visible and certain areas of the advert will draw the readers attention. some people who read magazines tend not to read adverts, or the advertisement is too small. our idea is to have a full page for placement of the advert, making it stand out when the reader sees it.

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